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Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays Holding a Checkered Flag Next to a Hudson Sedan
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays Holding a Checkered Flag Next to a Hudson Sedan
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays Holding a Checkered Flag Next to a Hudson Sedan
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays Holding a Checkered Flag Next to a Hudson Sedan
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays Holding a Checkered Flag Next to a Hudson Sedan
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays
Arthur Pillsbury and Rex Mays Holding a Checkered Flag Next to a Hudson Sedan
Bob Swanson and Rex Mays
Full Car View of Number 15 Race Car with Bob Swanson and Rex Mays with the Hood Open
Bowes Midgets
Left to right, car number 4, Joe Garson, Rex Mays (owner), Pete Clark (Mechanic), and car number 44, Mel Hansen.
Ernie Triplett, Rex Mays, and Al Gordon
Copy of an image of Ernie Triplett, Rex Mays, and Al Gordon.
Floyd Roberts, Al Gordon and Rex Mays
Floyd Roberts, Al Gordon and Rex Mays in the Pits with Gordon Seated in the Floating Power Special 2-Man Car