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Chuck Morgan and Roy Newman
Roy Newman presenting a hot-waterbottle as a trophy for Chuck Morgan's match race win of the Jalopy Association Officials
Chuck Morgan and Roy Newman
Chuck Morgan holding up his water-bottle trophy after winning the match race of the Jalopy Association Officials
IMSA World Sports Car Road Atlanta
Car number 33, a Kudzu DG-2 WSC, co-driven by Chuck Goldsborough and Eric Van Cleef. Followed by Car number 43, a Riley & Scott Mk III co-driven by Rob Morgan and Eliseo Salazar, car number 30, a Ferrari 333 SP, co-driven by Antonio Hermann and Andrea Montermini, and more cars.
Jalopy Racing Association Officals
Back Row: Earnest Walls, (Secretary, Treasurer, Announcer), John Frain (Vice President), Front Row: Forrest Lee (starter and President ) Chuck Morgan and Pat Steward