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Al Rackely andJack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Al Rackley driver of car 46 with Wynn flag, and oil after winning third heat jalopy race
Bill Dewey
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Billy Dewey car number 151 for winning second heat race.
Bill Dewey & Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Bill Dewey, driver of car 442 with trophy, Wynn flag, and oil for previous week's jaloopy feature race win.
Bob Turner
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to George Slayton, car number 94, for winning third heat race.
Carl Horton
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Carl Horton, car number 47, for winning second heat race.
Carl Horton
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Carl Horton for winning last week's 30 lap feature race
Claude Fitch and Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Claude Fitch driver of car 18 with trophy, Wynn flag, and oil after winning fourth jalopy heat race
D.G. Lawrence
JackHart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to D.G. Lawrence car number 314 for winning the Hooligan race
D.G. Lawrence
JackHart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to D.G. Lawrence car number 314 for winning fourth heat race.
Dick Young
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Dick Young, car number 8, for winning 1st heat race.
Don Dewey
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Don Dewey car number 185 for winning second heat race.
Don Dewey | Clair, Sherry | Hart, Jack
Sherry Clair on stage with Don Dewey as Jack Hart presents him with tropy for winning 1st heat jalopy race.
Don Dewy and Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Don Dewey driver of car 85 with trophy, Wynn flag, and oil after winning first jalopy heat race
George Slayton
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Bob Turner, car number 01, for winning fourth heat race.
George Slayton and Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents George Slayton driver of car 94 with Wynn flag, and oil after winning fourth heat jalopy race
Harold Denny
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Harold Denny car number 22 for winning third heat race.
Jack Hart and Larry Bowes
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Larry Bowes driver of car 37 with Wynn flag, and oil after winning 1st heat jalopy race
Jesse Plummer
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Jesse Plummer, car number 95 for winning 1st heat race.
Noble Shadwell
Noble Shadwell presents Dick Young, car number 15, with a trophy for winning second heat race
Norma McClain
Jack Hart of Friction Proofing presents trophy to Norma McClain after winning the Powder Puff Derby
Plough, Keith and Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Keith Plough driver of car 71 with trophy, Wynn flag, and oil after winning second jalopy heat race
Russ Mason and Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Russ Mason driver of car 24 with Wynn flag, and oil after winning second heat jalopy race
Terry Claire
Terry Clair along with her daughter, Sherry on stage with Jack Hart after receiveing trophy from Jack Hart for Powder Puff Derby
Tery Claire
JackHart of Friction Proofing presents trophy toTerry Claire, car number 85, wins the Powder Puff Derby. Sharry Clair joins the presentation.
Virgil Shepard and Jack Hart
Jack Hart, Wynn Friction Proofing representative, presents Virgil Shepard driver of car 093 with trophy, Wynn flag, and oil after winning third jalopy heat race