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  • Indianapolis 500

    Indianapolis 500

    Copy of an image featuring Rex Mays driving car number 1, a Stevens Bowes Seal Fast Special.

  • Indianapolis 500

    Indianapolis 500

    Copy of an image featuring the start of the race. Includes Rex Mays in car number 33, a Stevens, Wilbur Shaw in car number 1, a Maserati, and Mauri Rose in car number 7, a Wetteroth.

  • Indianapolis 500

    Indianapolis 500

    Rex Mays driving car number 33, a Stevens/Winfield Bowes Seal Fast Special.

  • Indianapolis 500

    Indianapolis 500

    Start of the race, including Rex Mays driving car number 33, a Stevens/Winfield Bowes Seal Fast Special, Wilbur Shaw driving car number 1, a Maserati/Maserati Boyle Special, and Mauri Rose driving car number 7, a Wetteroth/Offenhauser Elgin Piston Pin Special.

  • Indianapolis 500

    Indianapolis 500

    Rex Mays driving car number 33, a Stevens/Winfield Bowes Seal Fast Special.

  • Indianapolis 500

    Indianapolis 500

    Copy of an image featuring the start of the race. Includes Rex Mays in car number 33, a Stevens, Wilbur Shaw in car number 1, a Maserati, and Mauri Rose in car number 7, a Wetteroth.

  • Rex Mays

    Rex Mays

    Rex Mays in Number 33 Bowes Seal Fast Special Stevens with 180 Cubic Inch Winfield 8-Cylinder engine. Finished 2nd